Microsoft Dot Net Master

Microsoft Dot Net Master
Microsoft Dot Net Master

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Difference Between Char, Nchar, Varchar and Nvarchar Data Types in SQL Server

This small article is intended for the audience stuck in their interview when asked for the differences among CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR and NVARCHAR data types. Actually it is simple but sometimes people get confused.

To store data as characters, numeric values and special characters in a database, there are 4 data types that can be used. So what is the difference among all 4 of these data types?
Considering an example, we will look into each one of them. 
  1. DECLARE @string CHAR(20)  
  2. SET @string = 'Robin'  
  3. SELECT @string AS 'String', DATALENGTH(@string) AS 'Datalength' , LEN(@string) AS 'Len'  
Note: The LEN() method provides the length of a character excluding trailing blanks stored in the string expression whereas the DATALENGTH() method provides the number of byte spaces occupied by the characters in a string expression.

As you know we represent the character values within single quotes, for example 'Robin'. But do you know we can represent these same characters within double quotes similar to programming languages representing a string, for example “Robin”? This can be done by setting the value:
By default, it is set to ON

Talking about the CHAR data type:
  • It is a fixed length data type
  • Used to store non-Unicode characters
  • Occupiers 1 byte of space for each character
If the value provided to a variable of CHAR data type is shorter than the length of a column of declared the size of the variable, then the value would be right-padded with blanks to match the size of column length. 
  1. DECLARE @string CHAR(20)  
  2. SET @string = 'Robin'  
  3. SELECT @string AS 'String', DATALENGTH(@string) AS 'Datalength' , LEN(@string) AS 'Len'  

As you can see above, the bytes occupied by the variable are 20 even though the length of the characters is 5. That means that irrespective of the character stored in the column, it will occupy all bytes to store the value.
About the VARCHAR data type:
  • It is a variable length data type
  • Used to store non-Unicode characters
  • Occupies 1 byte of space for each character
  1. DECLARE @string VARCHAR(20)  
  2. SET @string = 'Robin'  
  3. SELECT @string AS 'String', DATALENGTH(@string) AS 'Datalength' , LEN(@string) AS 'Len'  

As you can see above, it is showing DATALENGTH as 5 which means it will use only the number of bytes equal to the number of characters. This will allow me to avoid wasting database space.

Note:  If SET ANSI_PADDING is OFF when CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE is executed, a CHAR column defined as NULL is considered as VARCHAR.

When to use what?
If you are sure about the fixed length of the data that would be captured for any specific column then go for CHAR data type and if the data may vary then go for VARCHAR.

Similar to CHAR data type, the NCHAR data type:
  • Is a fixed length data type
  • Used to store Unicode characters (for example the languages Arabic, German and so on)
  • Occupies 2 bytes of space for each character
  1. DECLARE @string NCHAR(20)  
  2. SET @string = 'Robin'  
  3. SELECT @string AS 'String', DATALENGTH(@string) AS 'Datalength' , LEN(@string) AS 'Len'  

As you can see above, the data length column shows 40 bytes even though the size declared is 20. It's because NCHAR holds 2 bytes of space for each character.
About the NVARCHAR data type:
  • It is a variable-length data type
  • Used to store Unicode characters
  • Occupies 2 bytes of space for each character
  1. DECLARE @string NVARCHAR(20)  
  2. SET @string = 'Robin'  
  3. SELECT @string AS 'String', DATALENGTH(@string) AS 'Datalength' , LEN(@string) AS 'Len'  

As in the output above, you will observe DATALENGTH column is showing only 10 as a value. That is because it occupies 2 bytes of space for each character and the data length is only 5 characters, therefore it will occupy 10 bytes of space in the database.

When to use what?

If your column will store a fixed-length Unicode characters like French, Arabic and so on characters then go for NCHAR. If the data stored in a column is Unicode and can vary in length, then go for NVARCHAR. 
Querying to NCHAR or NVARCHAR is a bit slower then CHAR or VARCHAR. So don't go for NCHAR or NVARCHAR to store non-Unicode characters even though this data type supports that. 

ConclusionThis small article is just to make you aware of the differences among the CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR and NVARCHAR data types since they are all used to store characters, numbers or special characters. I hope you like this small article and will that it will be helpful to you at some point of time. Leave your comments whether its good or bad. Sharing is valuable no matter what :)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Cookies in ASP.NET

Cookies is a small piece of information stored on the client machine. This file is located on client machines "C:\Document and Settings\Currently_Login user\Cookie" path.  Its is used to store user preference information like Username, Password,City and PhoneNo etc on client machines. We need to import namespace called  Systen.Web.HttpCookie before we use cookie. 
Type of Cookies?
  1. Persist Cookie - A cookie has not have expired time Which is called as Persist Cookie
  2. Non-Persist Cookie - A cookie has expired time Which is called as Non-Persist Cookie
How to create a cookie? 
Its really easy to create a cookie in the Asp.Net with help of Response object or HttpCookie 
Example 1
        HttpCookie userInfo = new HttpCookie("userInfo");
        userInfo["UserName"] = "Annathurai";
        userInfo["UserColor"] = "Black";
        userInfo.Expires.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0));
Example 2
        Response.Cookies["userName"].Value = "Annathurai";        Response.Cookies["userColor"].Value = "Black";
How to retrieve from cookie? 

Its easy way to retrieve cookie value form cookes by help of Request object. 
Example 1
        string User_Name = string.Empty;
        string User_Color = string.Empty;
        User_Name = Request.Cookies["userName"].Value;
        User_Color = Request.Cookies["userColor"].Value;
Example 2
        string User_name = string.Empty;
        string User_color = string.Empty;
        HttpCookie reqCookies = Request.Cookies["userInfo"];
        if (reqCookies != null)
            User_name = reqCookies["UserName"].ToString();
            User_color = reqCookies["UserColor"].ToString();
When we make request from client to web server, the web server process the request and give the lot of information with big pockets  which will have Header information, Metadata, cookies etc., Then repose object can do all the things with browser. 

Cookie's common property:
  1. Domain => Which is used to associate cookies to domain.
  2. Secure  => We can enable secure cookie to set true(HTTPs).
  3. Value    => We can manipulate individual cookie.
  4. Values  => We can manipulate cookies with key/value pair.
  5. Expires => Which is used to set expire date for the cookies.
Advantages of Cookie:
  1. Its clear text so user can able to read it.
  2. We can store user preference information on the client machine.
  3. Its easy way to maintain.
  4. Fast accessing.
Disadvantages of Cookie
  1. If user clear cookie information we can't get it back.
  2. No security.
  3. Each request will have cookie information with page.
How to clear the cookie information?

  1. we can clear cookie information from client machine on cookie folder
  2. To set expires to cookie object 
    userInfo.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1); 
    It will clear the cookie with one hour duration.

ASP.Net Worker Process and ISAPI

What is Worker Process?
"The "Process" which is responsible for processing application request and sending back response to the client , is known as "Worker Process". All ASP.NET functionalities runs within the scope of this process."

So finally I can write it...

"Process which is responsible for all requests and response cycle is known as worker process."

What about Worker process in Web Farm?
A Web farm contains multiple ASP.NET worker processes. 

Each server in the group of servers handles a separate ASP.NET worker process. 

What about Worker process in Web Garden?
A Web garden contains multiple ASP.NET worker processes. 

Each CPU in the SMP server handles a separate ASP.NET worker process. 

Let's See the Worker Process

Running IIS 5.0: Aspnet_wp.ex 

Running IIS 6.0: W3wp.exe

ISAPI is the first and highest performance entry point into IIS for custom Web Request handling

ISAPI (Internet Server Application Program Interface) is a set of Windows program (APIs (DLL)) calls that let you write a Web server application that will run faster than a common gateway interface (CGI) application.

Let's technically see this...

When the first ASP.NET request comes in the DLL will spawn a new process in another EXE – aspnet_wp.exe/w3wp.exe – and route processing to this spawned process. This process in turn loads and hosts the .NET runtime. Every request that comes into the ISAPI DLL then routes to this worker process via Named Pipe calls.

A request starts on the browser where the user types in a URL, clicks on a hyperlink or submits an HTML form. Or a client application might make call against an ASP.NET based Web Service, which is also serviced by ASP.NET. On the server side the Web Server IIS picks up the request. At the lowest level ASP.NET interfaces with IIS through an ISAPI extension.

In IIS .aspx is mapped through an 'Application Extension' (aka. as a script map) that is mapped to the ASP.NET ISAPI dll - aspnet_isapi.dll. Every request that fires ASP.NET must go through an extension that is registered and points at aspnet_isapi.dll.

ISAPI is very low level it also is very fast, but fairly unmanageable for application level development. So, ISAPI has been mainly relegated for some time to providing bridge interfaces to other application or platforms. But ISAPI isn't dead by any means. In fact, ASP.NET on Microsoft platforms interfaces with IIS through an ISAPI extension that hosts .NET and through it the ASP.NET runtime. ISAPI provides the core interface from the Web Server and ASP.NET uses the unmanaged ISAPI code to retrieve input and send output back to the client. The content that ISAPI provides is available via common objects like HttpRequest and HttpResponse that expose the unmanaged data as managed objects with a nice and accessible interface.

What Kind of HTTP Server Is Needed to Run ISAPI?
To host Web sites, you must have an Internet server that supports the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). If you have chosen an ISAPI-compliant Web server (for example, Microsoft Internet Information Server), you can take advantage of server extension DLLs to create small, fast Internet server applications.

A special kind of ISAPI DLL is called an ISAPI filter, which can be designated to receive control for every HTTP request. You can create an ISAPI filter for encryption or decryption, for logging, for request screening, or for other purposes. 

ISAPI consists of two components: Extensions and FiltersThese are the only two types of application that can be developed using ISAPI. 

ISAPI Extensions are true applications that run on IIS. They have access to all of the functionality provided by IIS. ISAPI extensions are implemented as DLLs that are loaded into a process that is controlled by IIS. Clients can access ISAPI extensions in the same way they access a static HTML page. 

ISAPI filters are used to modify or enhance the functionality provided by IIS. They always run on an IIS server and filter every request until they find one they need to process. Filters can be programmed to examine and modify both incoming and outgoing streams of data. 

Filters are implemented as DLL files and can be registered on an IIS server on a site level or a global level (i.e., apply to all sites on an IIS server). Filters are initialized when the worker process is started and listens to all requests to the site on which it is installed. 

Common tasks performed by ISAPI filters include:
  • Changing request data (URLs or headers) sent by the client
  • Controlling which physical file gets mapped to the URL
  • Controlling the user name and password used with anonymous or basic authentication
  • Modifying or analyzing a request after authentication is complete
  • Modifying a response going back to the client
  • Running custom processing on "access denied" responses
  • Running processing when a request is complete
  • Run processing when a connection with the client is closed
  • Performing special logging or traffic analysis.
  • Performing custom authentication.
  • Handling encryption and compression.
Following are the main Server side scripting languages which support ISAPI.

  • ASP
  • Perl
  • PHP 

What is the difference between Web Farm and Web Garden?

The exact difference between web farm and web garden, and the advantages and disadvantages of using them.
I have been asked this question many times by different readers of my blog. They wanted to know about the fundamentals of Web Farms and Web Garden. In this blog post, I am going to explain the exact difference between web farm and web garden, and the advantages and disadvantages of using them. I have also described how to create web garden in different version of IIS.


Visual Studio has its own integrated ASP.NET engine which is used to run the ASP.NET Web application from Visual Studio. ASP.NET Development Server is responsible for executing all the requests and responses from the client. Now after the end of development, when you want to host the site on some server to allow other people to access, concept of web servers comes in between. A web server is responsible for providing the response for all the requests that are coming from clients. The below diagram shows the typical deployment structure of an ASP.NET Web application with a single IIS.
Clients request for resources and IIS process the request and send back to clients. If you want to know more details on How IIS Processes the request, please read one of my articles about “How IIS Process ASP.NET Request?”.

Web Farm

This is the case where you have only one web server and multiple clients requesting for resources from the same server. But when are is huge amount of incoming traffic for your web sites, one standalone server is not sufficient to process the request. You may need to use multiple servers to host the application and divide the traffic among them. This is called “Web Farm”. So when you are hosting your single web site on multiple web servers over load balancer is called “Web Farm”. The below diagram shows the overall representation of Web Farms.
Web Farms
In general web farm architecture, a single application is hosted on multiple IIS Server and those are connected with the VIP (Virtual IP) with Load Balancer. Load Balancer IPs are exposed to external world to access. So whenever some request will come to server from clients, it will first hit the Load Balancer, then based on the traffic on each server, LB distributes the request to the corresponding web server. These web servers may share the same DB server or may be they can use a replicated server in the back end.
So, in a single statement, when we host a web application over multiple web servers to distribute the load among them, it is called Web Farm.

Web Garden

Now, let’s have a look at what is Web Garden? Both the terms sound the same, but they are totally different from each other. Before starting with Web Garden, I hope you have a fundamental idea of what an Application Pool is and what a Worker Process is. If you have already read the article, “How IIS Processes ASP.NET Request ?”, then I can expect that you now have a good idea about both of them.
Just to recall, when we are talking about requesting processing within IIS, Worker Process (w3wp.exe) takes care of all of these. Worker Process runs the ASP.NET application in IIS. All the ASP.NET functionality inside IIS runs under the scope of worker process. Worker Process is responsible for handling all kinds of request, response, session data, cache data. Application Pool is the container of worker process. Application pool is used to separate sets of IIS worker processes and enables a better security, reliability, and availability for any web application.
Now, by default, each and every Application pool contains a single worker process. Application which contains the multiple worker process is called “Web Garden”. Below is the typical diagram for a web garden application.
WebGarden Basic
In the above diagram, you can see one of the applications containing the multiple worker processes, which is now a web garden.
So, a Web application hosted on multiple servers and access based on the load on servers is called Web Farms and when a single application pool contains multiple Worker processes, it is called a web garden.

Create Web Garden in IIS 6 and IIS 7

Now, I am going to show how you can change the Number of Worker processes in both IIS 6 and IIS 7. For IIS 6, Right Click on Application Pool > Properties > Goto Performance Tab.
In the “Performance Tab” section, you would have one option called “Web Garden” where worker process sets to “1”, you can set the number of worker processes that you required.
For IIS 7, Right Click on Application Pool > Go To Advance Settings > In Process Model section, you will have “Maximum Worker Processes”. You can change it more than 1 to make it as a web garden.
In the above image, you can also check the definition of Web Garden.
You can find one of my previous articles on the basics of the same over here.

Advantages of Web Farm and Web Garden

Now, let’s have a look into the advantages of both the Web Farms and Web Gardens.

Advantages of Web Farm

  • It provides high availability. If any of the servers in the farm goes down, Load balancer can redirect the requests to other servers.
  • Provides high performance response for client requests.
  • Provides better scalability of the web application and reduces the failure of the application.
  • Session and other resources can be stored in a centralized location to access by all the servers.

Advantages of Web Garden

  • Provides better application availability by sharing requests between multiple worker process.
  • Web garden uses processor affinity where application can be swapped out based on preference and tag setting.
  • Less consumption of physical space for web garden configuration.

How to Manage Session in Web Farm Mode?

While using session, requests are distributed among different servers. By default, session mode is set to In Proc where session data is stored inside worker process memory. But, in Web farm mode, we can share the session among all the servers using a single session store location by making it Out proc (State Server or SQL Server Mode). So, if some of the servers go down and request is transferred to the other server by the Load balancer, session data should be available for that request.
In the above diagram, you can see that we can both the IIS server sharing the same session data which is stored in out of worker process. You can read one of my previous articles “Exploring Session in ASP.NET” where I have explained how you can configure session mode for Out Process mode.

How to Manage Session in Web Garden Mode?

When we are using Web garden where request is being taken care of by different worker process, we have to make the session mode as out process session mode as described earlier. For Web Garden, we have to configure the out process within the same server but for different worker process.
While using Web garden with your application, you need make a couple of configuration settings in web.config in <process Model> section where you need to set certain properties like cpuMaskRequestLimitwebGardenClientConnectCheck, etc.


When we host a web application over multiple web servers to distribute the load among them, it is called Web Farm and when one application has multiple worker processes, it is called a Web garden.
In this blog post, I have explained the very basics of what a Web Farm is and what a Web Garden is. As this blog post contains the basic information to understand the fundamentals of web farms and web garden concept, I will be posting a separate article with details configuration setting for web garden and web farm. You can read the following articles for more information:
Hope this will help you.

Exploring Session in ASP.NET


First of all, I would like to thank all the readers who have read and voted for my articles. In the Beginner's Guide series, I have written some articles on state management. Probably this is my last article on state management.
This article will give you a very good understanding of session. In this article, I have covered the basics of session, different ways of storing session objects, session behavior in web farm scenarios, session on Load Balancer, etc. I have also explained details of session behavior in a live production environment. Hope you will enjoy this article and provide your valuable suggestions and feedback.

What is Session?

Web is stateless, which means a new instance of a web page class is re-created each time the page is posted to the server. As we all know, HTTP is a stateless protocol, it can't hold client information on a page. If the user inserts some information and move to the next page, that data will be lost and the user would not be able to retrieve that information. What do we need here? We need to store information. Session provides a facility to store information on server memory. It can support any type of object to store along with our own custom objects. For every client, session data is stored separately, which means session data is stored on a per client basis. Have a look at the following diagram:
Fig: For every client, session data is stored separately
State management using session is one of the best ASP.NET features, because it is secure, transparent from users, and we can store any kind of object in it. Along with these advantages, some times session can cause performance issues in high traffic sites because it is stored in server memory and clients read data from the server. Now let's have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of using session in our web applications.

Advantages and disadvantages of Session?

Following are the basic advantages and disadvantages of using session. I have describe in details with each type of session at later point of time.


  • It helps maintain user state and data all over the application.
  • It is easy to implement and we can store any kind of object.
  • Stores client data separately.
  • Session is secure and transparent from the user.


  • Performance overhead in case of large volumes of data/user, because session data is stored in server memory.
  • Overhead involved in serializing and de-serializing session data, because in the case of StateServer and SQLServer session modes, we need to serialize the objects before storing them.
Besides these, there are many advantages and disadvantages of session that are based on the session type. I have discussed all of them in the respective sections below.

Storing and retrieving values from Session

Storing and retrieving values in session are quite similar to that in ViewState. We can interact with session state with the System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState class, because this provides the built-in session object in ASP.NET pages.
The following code is used for storing a value to session:
//Storing UserName in Session
Session["UserName"] = txtUser.Text;
Now, let's see how we can retrieve values from session:
//Check weather session variable null or not
if (Session["UserName"] != null)
    //Retrieving UserName from Session
    lblWelcome.Text = "Welcome : " + Session["UserName"];
 //Do Something else
We can also store other objects in session. The following example shows how to store a DataSet in session.
//Storing dataset on Session
Session["DataSet"] = _objDataSet;
The following code shows how we to retrieve that DataSet from session:
//Check weather session variable null or not
if (Session["DataSet"] != null)
    //Retrieving UserName from Session
    DataSet _MyDs = (DataSet)Session["DataSet"];
    //Do Something else


Session ID

ASP.NET uses an 120 bit identifier to track each session. This is secure enough and can't be reverse engineered. When a client communicates with a server, only the session ID is transmitted between them. When the client requests for data, ASP.NET looks for the session ID and retrieves the corresponding data. This is done in the following steps:
  • Client hits the web site and information is stored in the session.
  • Server creates a unique session ID for that client and stores it in the Session State Provider.
  • The client requests for some information with the unique session ID from the server.
  • Server looks in the Session Providers and retrieves the serialized data from the state server and type casts the object.
Take a look at the the pictorial flow:
Fig: Communication of client, web server, and State Provider


Session Mode and State Provider

In ASP.NET, there are the following session modes available:
  • InProc
  • StateServer
  • SQLServer
  • Custom
For every session state, there is a Session Provider. The following diagram will show you how they are related:
Fig: Session state architecture
We can choose the session state provider based on which session state we are selecting. When ASP.NET requests for information based on the session ID, the session state and its corresponding provider are responsible for sending the proper information. The following table shows the session mode along with the provider name:
Session State ModeState Provider
InProcIn-memory object
CustomCustom provider
Apart from that, there is another mode Off. If we select this option, the session will be disabled for the application. But our objective is to use session, so we will look into the above four session state modes.

Session States

Session state essentially means all the settings that you have made for your web application for maintaining the session. Session State itself is a big thing. It says all about your session configuration, either in the web.config or from the code-behind. In the web.config<SessionState> elements are used for setting the configuration of the session. Some of them are ModeTimeoutStateConnectionStringCustomProvider, etc. I have discussed about each and every section of the connection string. Before I discuss Session Mode, take a brief overview of session events.

Session Event

There are two types of session events available in ASP.NET:
  • Session_Start
  • Session_End
You can handle both these events in the global.asax file of your web application. When a new session initiates, the session_start event is raised, and the Session_End event raised when a session is abandoned or expires.
void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    // Code that runs when a new session is started

void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    // Code that runs when a session ends. 


Session Mode

I have already discussed about session modes in ASP.NET. Following are the different types of session modes available in ASP.NET:
  • Off
  • InProc
  • StateServer
  • SQLServer
  • Custom
If we set session Mode="off" in web.config, session will be disabled in the application. For this, we need to configure web.config the following way:

InProc Session Mode

This is the default session mode in ASP.NET. Its stores session information in the current Application Domain. This is the best session mode for web application performance. But the main disadvantage is that, it will lose data if we restart the server. There are some more advantages and disadvantages of the InProc session mode. I will come to those points later on.

Overview of InProc session mode

As I have already discussed, in InProc mode, session data will be stored on the current application domain. So it is easily and quickly available.
InProc session mode stores its session data in a memory object on the application domain. This is handled by a worker process in the application pool. So if we restart the server, we will lose the session data. If the client request for data, the state provider read the data from an in-memory object and returns it to the client. In web.config, we have to mention the session mode and also set the timeout.
The above session timeout setting keeps the session alive for 30 minute. This is configurable from the code-behind too.
There are two types of session events available in ASP.NET: Session_Start() and Session_End and this is the only mode that supports the Session_End() event. This event is called after the session timeout period is over. The general flow for the InProc session state is like this:
When the Session_End() is called depends on the session timeout. This is a very fast mechanism because no serialization occurs for storing and retrieving data, and data stays inside the same application domain.

When should we use the InProc session mode?

InProc is the default session mode. It can be very helpful for a small web site and where the number of users is very less. We should avoid InProc in a Web Garden scenario (I will come to this topic later on).

Advantages and disadvantages

  • It store session data in a memory object of the current application domain. So accessing data is very fast and data is easily available.
  • There is not requirement of serialization to store data in InProc session mode.
  • Implementation is very easy, similar to using the ViewState.
Although InProc session is the fastest, common, and default mechanism, it has a lot of limitations:
  • If the worker process or application domain is recycled, all session data will be lost.
  • Though it is the fastest, more session data and more users can affect performance, because of memory usage.
  • We can't use it in web garden scenarios.
  • This session mode is not suitable for web farm scenarios.
As per the above discussion, we can conclude that InProc is a very fast session storing mechanism but suitable only for small web applications. InProc session data will get lost if we restart the server, or if the application domain is recycled. It is also not suitable for Web Farm and Web Garden scenarios.
Now we will have a look the other options available to overcome these problems. First comes the StateServer mode.

StateServer Session Mode

Overview of StateServer session mode

This is also called Out-Proc session mode. StateServer uses a stand-alone Windows Service which is independent of IIS and can also be run on a separate server. This session state is totally managed by aspnet_state.exe. This server may run on the same system, but it's outside of the main application domain where your web application is running. This means if you restart your ASP.NET process, your session data will still be alive. This approaches has several disadvantages due to the overhead of the serialization and de-serialization involved, it also increases the cost of data access because every time the user retrieves session data, our application hits a different process.

Configuration for StateServer session mode

In StateServer mode, session data is stored in a separate server which is independent of IIS and it is handled by aspnet_state.exe. This process is run as a Windows Service. You can start this service from the Windows MMC or from the command prompt.
By default, the "Startup Type" of the ASP.NET state service is set to Manual; we have to set it to Automatic.
From the command prompt, just type "net start aspnet_state". By default, this service listens to TCP port 42424, but we can change the port from the Registry editor as show in the picture below:
Now have a look at the web.config configuration for the StateServer setting. For the StateServer setting, we need to specify the stateConnectionString. This will identify the system that is running the state server. By default, stateConnectionString used the IP (localhost) and port 42424.
When we are using StateServer, we can configure the stateNetworkTimeOut attribute to specify the maximum number of seconds to wait for the service to respond before canceling the request. The default timeout value is 10 seconds.
For using StateServer, the object which we are going to store should be serialized, and at the time of retrieving, we need to de-serialize it back. I have described this below with an example.

How the StateServer Session Mode works

We use the StateServer session mode to avoid unnecessary session data loss when restarting our web server. StateServer is maintained by the aspnet_state.exe process as a Windows service. This process maintains all the session data. But we need to serialize the data before storing it in StateServer session mode.
As shown in the above figure, when the client sends a request to the web server, the web server stores the session data on the state server. The StateServer may be the current system or a different system. But it will be totally independent of IIS. The destination of the StateServer will depend on the web.configstateConnectionString setting. If we set it to, it will store data in the local system itself. For changing the StateServer destination, we need to change the IP, and make sure aspnet_state.exe is up and running on that system. Otherwise you will get the following exception while trying to store data on session.
When we are storing an object on session, it should be serialized. That data will be stored in the StateServer system using the State Provider. And at the time of retrieving the data, the State Provider will return the data. The complete flow is given in the picture below:

Example of StateServer Session Mode

Here is a simple example of using the StateServer session mode. I have created this sample web application directly on IIS so that we can easily understand its usage.
Step 1: Open Visual Studio > File > New > Web Sites. Choose Location as HTTP and create the web application.
Now if you open IIS, you will see a virtual directory created with the name of your web application, in my case it is StateServer.
Step 2: Create s simple UI that will take the roll number and the name of a student. We will store the name and roll number in a state server session. I have also created a class StudentInfo. This class is listed below:
public class StudentInfo
    //Default Constructor
    public StudentInfo()
    /// <summary>
    /// Create object of student Class
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="intRoll">Int RollNumber</param>
    /// <param name="strName">String Name</param>
    public StudentInfo(int intRoll, string strName)
        this.Roll = intRoll;
        this.Name = strName;

    private int intRoll;
    private string strName;
    public int Roll
            return intRoll;
            intRoll = value;

    public string Name
            return strName;
            strName = value;
Now have a look at the code-behind. I have added two buttons: one for storing session and another for retrieving session.
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    StudentInfo _objStudentInfo = 
      new StudentInfo(Int32.Parse( txtRoll.Text) ,txtUserName.Text);
    Session["objStudentInfo"] = _objStudentInfo;
protected void btnRestore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    StudentInfo _objStudentInfo = (StudentInfo) Session["objStudentInfo"];
    txtRoll.Text = _objStudentInfo.Roll.ToString();
    txtUserName.Text = _objStudentInfo.Name;
Step 3: Configure your web.config for state server as I have already explained. And please make sure aspnet_state.exe is up and running on the configured server.
Step 4: Run the application.
Enter the data, click on Submit.
There are the following tests that I have made which will totally explain how exactly StateServer is useful.
First: Remove the [Serializable ] keyword from the StudentInfo class and try to run the application. When you click on the Submit button, you will get the following error:
Which clearly says that you have to serialize the object before storing it.
Second: Run the application, store data by clicking on the Submit button. Restart IIS.
In the case of InProc, you will have already lost your session data, but with StateServer, click on Restore Session and you will get your original data, because StateServer data does not depend on IIS. It keeps it separately.
Third: Stop aspnet_state.exe from the Windows Services MMC and submit the data. You will get the following error:
because your State Server process is not running. So please keep in mind these three points when using StateServer mode.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Based on the above discussion:
  • It keeps data separate from IIS so any issues with IIS will not hamper session data.
  • It is useful in web farm and web garden scenarios.
  • Process is slow due to serialization and de-serialization.
  • State Server always needs to be up and running.
I am stopping here on StateServer, you will find some more interesting points on it in the Load Balancer, Web Farm, and Web Garden section.


SQLServer Session Mode

Overview of SQL Server Session Mode

This session mode provide us more secure and reliable session management in ASP.NET. In this session mode, session data is serialized and stored in A SQL Server database. The main disadvantage of this session storage method is the overhead related with data serialization and de-serialization. It is the best option for using in web farms though.
To setup SQL Server, we need these SQL scripts:
  • For installing: InstallSqlState.sql
  • For uninstalling: UninstallSQLState.sql
The easiest way to configure SQL Server is using the aspnet_regsql command.
I have explained in detail the use of these files in the configuration section. This is the most useful state management in web farm scenarios.

When should we use SQLServer Session Mode?

  • SQL Server session mode is a more reliable and secure session state management.
  • It keeps data in a centralized location (database).
  • We should use the SQLServer session mode when we need to implement session with more security.
  • If there happens to be frequent server restarts, this is an ideal choice.
  • This is the perfect mode for web farm and web garden scenarios (I have explained this in detail later).
  • We can use SQLServer session mode when we need to share session between two different applications.

Configuration for SQLServer Session Mode

In SQLServer session mode, we store session data in SQL Server, so we need to first provide the database connection string in web.config. The sqlConnectionString attribute is used for this.
After we setup the connection string, we need to configure the SQL Server. I will now explain how to configure your your SQL Server using the aspnet_regsql command.
Step 1: From command prompt, go to your Framework version directory. E.g.: c:\windows\\framework\<version>.
Step 2: Run the aspnet_regsql command with the following parameters:
Have a look at the parameters and their uses:
-ssaddAdd support for SQLServer mode session state.
-sstype pP stands for Persisted. It persists the session data on the server.
-SServer name.
-UUser name.
After you run the command, you will get the following message:
That's all.
Step 3: Open SQL Server Management Studio, check if a new database ASPState has been created, and there should be two tables:
  • ASPStateTempApplications
  • ASPStateTempSessions
Change the configuration string of the StateServer example and run the same sample application.
Just store the roll number and user name and click on the Submit button. Open the ASPStateTempSessions table from SQL Server Management Studio.. here is your session data:
Now do the following test that I have already explained in the StateServer mode section:
  1. Remove the Serialize keyword from the StydentInfo class
  2. Reset IIS and click on Restore Session
  3. Stop SQL Server Services
I think I have explained the SQLServer session mode well.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Session data not affected if we restart IIS.
  • The most reliable and secure session management.
  • It keeps data located centrally, is easily accessible from other applications.
  • Very useful in web farms and web garden scenarios.
  • Processing is very slow in nature.
  • Object serialization and de-serialization creates overhead for the application.
  • As the session data is handled in a different server, we have to take care of SQL Server. It should be always up and running.


Custom Session Mode

Overview of Custom Session Mode

Commonly we use the InProc, StateServer, or SQLServer session modes for our application, but we also need to know the fundamentals of the Custom session mode. This session mode is quite interesting, because Custom session gives full control to us to create everything, even the session ID. You can write your own algorithm to generate session IDs.
You can implement custom providers that store session data in other storage mechanisms simply by deriving from the SessionStateStoreProviderBase class. You can also generate a new session ID by implementing ISessionIDManager.
These are the methods called during the implementation of Custom session:
In the Initialize method, we can set a custom provider. This will initialize the connection with that provider. SetItemExpireCallback is used to set SessionTimeOut. We can register a method that will be called at the time of session expiration. InitializeRequest is called on every request and CreateNewStoreData is used to create a new instance of SessionStateStoreData.

When should we use Custom Session Mode?

We can use Custom session mode in the following cases:
  • We want to store session data in a place other than SQL Server.
  • When we have to use an existing table to store session data.
  • When we need to create our own session ID.

What configuration do we need for it?

We need to configure our web.config like this:
If you want to explore this more, please check the References section.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • We can use an existing table for storing session data. This is useful when we have to use an existing database.
  • It's not dependent on IIS, so restarting the web server does not have any effect on session data.
  • We can crate our own algorithm for generating session ID.
  • Processing of data is very slow.
  • Creating a custom state provider is a low-level task that needs to be handled carefully to ensure security.
It is always recommended to use a third party provider rather than create your own.


Overview of production deployment

Production environments are where we deploy our applications on a live production server. It is a major and big challenge for web developers to deploy their applications on a live server, because in a big production environment, there are a large number of users and it is hard to handle the load for so many users with a single server. Here comes in the concepts of Web Farm, Load Balancer, Web Garden, etc.
Just a few months back, I deployed a web application in a live production environment which is accessed by millions of user and there were more than 10 Active Directory instances, more than 10 web servers over a Load Balancer, and several database server, Exchange Server, LCS Server, etc. The major risk involved in multiple servers is session management. The following picture shows a general diagram of production environments:
I will try to explain the different scenarios that you need to keep in mind while deploying your application.

Application Pool

This is one of the most important things you should create for your applications in a production environment. Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration. Application pools enable us to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, and availability. The worker process serves as the process boundary that separates each application pool so that when one worker process or application has an issue or is recycled, other applications or worker processes are not affected.

Identity of Application Pool

Application pool identity configuration is an important aspect of security in IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0, because it determines the identity of the worker process when the process is accessing a resource. In IIS 7.0, there are three predefined identities that are the same as in IIS 6.0.
Application Pool IdentityDescription
Built-in account that has administrative privileges on the server. It can access both local and remote resources. For any kind accessing of server files or resources, we have to set the identity of the application pool to LocalSystem.
LocalServicesBuilt-in account has privileges of an authenticated local user account. It does not have any network access permission.
NetworkServicesThis is the default identity of Application Pool. NetworkServices has the privileges of an authenticated local user account.

Creating and assigning Application Pool

Open IIS Console, right click on Application Pool Folder > Create New.
Give the Application Pool ID and click OK.
Now, right click on the Virtual Directory (I am using StateServer web sites) and assign StateServerAppPool to the StateServer Virtual Directory.
So this StateServer web site will run independently with StateServerAppPool. Any problem related with other applications will not affect this application. This is the main advantage of creating application pools separately.

Web Garden

By default, each application pool runs with a single worker process (W3Wp.exe). We can assign multiple worker processes with a single application pool. An application pool with multiple worker processes is called a Web Garden. Many worker processes with the same Application Pool can sometimes provide better throughput performance and application response time. And each worker process should have its own Thread and memory space.
As shown in the picture, in IIS, there may be multiple application pools and each application pool will have at least one worker process. A Web Garden should contain multiple worker processes.
There are certain restrictions in using a Web Garden with your web application. If we use the InProc session mode, our application will not work correctly because the session will be handled by a different worker process. To avoid this problem, we should use the OutProc session mode and we can use a session state server or SQL-Server session state.
Main advantage: The worker processes in a Web Garden share the requests that arrive for that particular application pool. If a worker process fails, another worker process can continue processing the requests.

How to Create a Web Garden?

Right click on Application Pool > Go to Performance tab > Check Web Garden section (highlighted in picture):
By default, it would be 1. Just change it to more than one.

How Session depends on Web Garden?

I have already explained that InProc is handled by a worker process. It keeps data inside its memory object. Now if we have multiple worker processes, then it would be very difficult to handle the session because each and every worker process has its own memory, so if my first request goes to WP1 and it keeps my session data and the second request goes to WP2, I am trying to retrieve session data and it will not be available, which will throw an error. So please avoid Web Gardens in InProc session mode.
We can use StateServer or SQLServer session modes in Web Gardens because as I have already explained, these two session modes do not depend on worker processes. In my example, I have also explained that if you restart IIS, you are still able to access your session data.
In short:
Session ModeRecommended

Web Farm and Load Balancer

This is the most common terms that are used in production deployments. These terms come in when we are using multiple web servers for deploying our applications. The main reason for using these is we have to distribute the load over multiple servers. A Load Balancer is used to distribute the load on multiple servers.
If we take a look at the above diagram, the client request the URL and it will hit a Load Balancer, which decides which server to access. The load balancer will distribute the traffic over all the different web servers.
Now how does this affect Session?

Handling Session in web farm and load balancer scenarios

Handling session is one of the most challenging jobs in a web farm.
InProc: In InProc session mode, session data is stored in an in-memory object of the worker process. Each server will have its own worker process and will keep session data inside its memory.
If one server is down, and if the request goes to a different server, the user is not able to get session data. So it is not recommended to use InProc in Web Farms.
StateServer: I have already explained what a state server is and how to configure a state server, etc. For web farm scenarios, you can easily understand how much this is important because all session data will be stored in a single location.
Remember, in a web farm, you have to make sure you have the same <machinekey> in all your web servers. Other things are the same as I have describe earlier. All web.config files will have the same configuration (stateConnectionString) for session state.
SQL Server: This is another approach, the best that we can use in a web farm. We need to configure the database first. The required steps have been explained covered.
As shown in the above picture, all web server session data will be stored in a single SQL Server database. And it is easily accessible. Keep one thing in mind, you should serialize objects in both StateServer and SQLServer modes. If one of the web servers go down, the load balancer will distribute the load to other servers and the user will still be able to read session data from the server, because data is stored in a centralized database server.
In summary, we can use either StateServer or SQLServer session mode in a web farm. We should avoid InProc.

Session and Cookies

Clients use cookies to work with session. Because clients need to present the appropriate session ID with each request. We can do this in the following ways:

Using cookies

ASP.NET creates a special cookie named ASP.NET_SessionId automatically when a session collection is used. This is the default. Session ID is transmitted through that cookie.

Cookie munging

Some older browsers do not support cookies or the user may disable cookies in the browser, in that case, ASP.NET transmits session ID in a specially modified (or “munged”) URL.

How Cookie Munging works?

When the user requests for a page on a server, the server encoded the session ID and adds it with every HREF link in the page. When the user clicks on a link, ASP.NET decodes that session ID and passes it to the page that the user is requesting. Now the requesting page can retrieve session variables. This all happens automatically if ASP.NET detects that the user's browser does not support cookies.

How to implement Cookie Munging?

For this, we have to make our session state cookie-less.

Removing Session

Following are the list of methods that are used to remove Session:
Session.Remove(strSessionName);Removes an item from the session state collection.
Session.RemoveAll()Removes all items from the session collection.
Session.Clear()Remove all items from session collection. Note: There is no difference between Clear and RemoveAllRemoveAll() calls Clear() internally.
Session.Abandon()Cancels the current session.

Enabling and disabling Session

For performance optimization, we can enable or disable session because each and every page read and write access of the page involves some performance overhead. So it is always better to enable and disable session based on requirements rather than enable it always. We can enable and disable session state in two ways:
  • Page level
  • Application level

Page level

We can disable session state in page level using the EnableSessionState attribute in the Page directive.
This will disable the session activities for that particular page.
The same way, we can make it read-only also. This will permit to access session data but will not allow writing data on session.

Application level

Session state can be disabled for the entire web application using the EnableSessionState property in Web.Config.
Generally we use page level because some pages may not require any session data or may only read session data.



Hope you are now really familiar with Session, its use, how to apply it in web farms, etc. To summarise:
  • The in-process (InProc) session provider is the fastest because of everything being stored inside memory. Session data will be lost if we restart the web server or if the worker process is recycled. You can use this in small web applications where the number of users is less. Do not use InProc in web farms.
  • In StateServer session mode, session data is maintained by aspnet_state.exe. It keeps session data out of the web server. So any issues with the web server does not affect session data. You need to serialized an object before storing data in StateServer session. We can use this safely in web farms.
  • SQLServer session modes store data in SQL Server. We need to provide the connection string. Here we also need to serialize the data before storing it to session. This is very useful in production environments with web farms.
  • We can use a Custom provider for custom data sources or when we need to use an existing table to store session data. We can also create custom session IDs in Custom mode. But it is not recommended to create your own custom provider. It is recommended to use a third party provider.
Hope you have enjoyed the article. Please give your suggestions and feedback for further improvements. Again thanks for reading.